Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Speed Processing in the Law System




Artificial Intelligence, Legal Innovation, Judicial Efficiency, Ethics in AI, Legal System


Objective: This study aims to demonstrate how the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) fosters innovation within the Judiciary by enhancing the operational performance of the legal system.

Methodology: The research adopts an explanatory qualitative approach with a theoretical foundation. It relies on secondary data and documentary evidence sourced from specialized literature.

Results: The findings suggest that generative AI significantly expands the operational capacity of judges and legal professionals by automating repetitive tasks and facilitating the generation of legal sentences. This leads to improved decision-making and more effective legal strategies, thus enhancing the overall efficiency of the judiciary.

Conclusions: The integration of generative AI in the legal system has the potential to revolutionize the practice of law, making it more accessible and less discriminatory. The ethical considerations embedded in AI systems are crucial for ensuring that justice is administered fairly and in alignment with fundamental human rights. As AI continues to evolve, its role in supporting judicial processes will likely increase, contributing to a more efficient and ethical legal system.


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Author Biographies

Leonel Cezar Rodrigues, Araraquara University (UNIARA), São Paulo

PhD in Management from Vanderbilt University, TN (USA); Pos-Doctor in Management from University of São Paulo – USP; Lawyer and Pos-Doctor from University of Brasilia. Professor of Technology and Innovation in Law at Master Profissional in Law and Conflict Management at Universidade of Araraquara (SP). 

Reziere Dagobi da Silva, University Center of Brasilia – CEUB, Brasilia

Master in Management from Federal University of Espirito Santo - UFES, Licensed in Pedagogy and Specialist in Artificial Intelligence from University Center of Brasilia – CEUB. Coordinator of Technology and Processes of Distance Learning at University Center of Brasilia.

Simone Maria Espinosa, University Center of Brasilia – CEUB, Brasilia

Master in Education, Ars and History of Culture from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (SP). Specialist in Artificial Intelligence. Chairman of the Distance Learning (DL) Program and Director of Regulation and Evaluation of DL at University Center of Brasilia – CEUB.

Valeria Riscarolli, University Center of Brasilia - CEUB, Brasilia

Doctor in Management from University of São Paulo – USP; Master in Management from University of Blumenau – FURB; Specialist in Artificial Intelligence; Coordinator Undergrad. Programs in Distance Learning of Business & Management  at the University Center of Brasilia - CEUB.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. C., Dagobi da Silva, R., Espinosa, S. M., & Riscarolli, V. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Speed Processing in the Law System. Journal of Law and Corruption Review, 6, e084.