Fighting corruption: A theoretical articulation of the themes of social responsibility, corporate governance, and agency theory




Corruption, Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Agency Theory


Objective: Corruption, seen as the abuse or misuse of power or trust for one's benefit instead of the purpose for which that power or trust was granted, has caused problems for many countries and the principles of Social Responsibility through the models of Carroll and Schwartz and Corporate Governance (have been pointed out in the literature as a mitigating agent of this problem. On the other hand, other research indicates the need to be cautious when guided by the mentality of the Agency Theory, which defends it as a neutral and sufficient instrument to mitigate corruption problems.

Method: This study consists of a theoretical essay based on a bibliographical survey that exposes the themes of Corruption, Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, and Agency Theory. It surveys the different definitions, lines of research, lines of thought, supporting theories, dualities, and conflicts around the mainstream.

Results: The study's justification is centered on the perception that while studies have empirically tested the relationship between corruption and countries' accounting environments, only some have dedicated themselves to critically reflecting on the knowledge produced about this relationship.

Originality/Relevance: In the context presented, a good governance structure is recommended for effective administration and management in anti-corruption bodies. The principles of Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility, which are Transparency (disclosure), Accountability, and Fairness, align with the principles of Agency Theory, which are mainly related to ethics and morality in interpersonal relationships in organizations.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: This contribution is intended to reflect on the need for organizations to contribute to the fight against corruption in their relations and to the realization of a socially responsible administration through Corporate Governance and Agency Theory, with consonance between the objectives of shareholders and agents in an intermittent fight against corruption.


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Biografia do Autor

Mônica Cristina Rovaris Machado, Universidade Federal do Sergipe (UFS), Sergipe

Doutora no programa de Administração e Turismo na Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, PPGA/Univali na linha de pesquisa Empreendedorismo/Empreendedorismo Social, com doutorado sanduiche na Universidade de Alicante, Espanha, tendo realizado pesquisa de campo na Espanha e no Brasil. Atualmente é professora adjunta da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, com experiência na área de Administração, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: gestão, serviços, recursos humanos, gestão da qualidade, e mais recentemente empreendedorismo social, bem como as áreas correlatas.

Ruan Carlos dos Santos, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC-ESAG), Santa Catarina

Mestrado em Administração pela UNIVALI (2015-2017). Atualmente é doutorando em Administração pela PPGA - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC-ESAG), Santa Catarina. Participante do Grupo de Pesquisa em Estratégia e Performance (GEEP), liderado pela Profª. Dra. Rosilene Marcon. Professor no ensino médio na SED-SC nas disciplinas de Filosofia. Professor e tutor na UniAvan no curso de Tecnologia em Gestão Financeira. Consultor/docente credenciado na ENA (Ecole Nationale D'Administration - Brasil).


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Como Citar

Machado, M. C. R., & Santos, R. C. dos. (2024). Fighting corruption: A theoretical articulation of the themes of social responsibility, corporate governance, and agency theory. Revista De Direito E Análise Da Corrupção, 6, e078.