Overindebtedness and Responsible Credit: The Breach of Banking Compliance Duties and the Enactment of Law No. 14.181/2021


  • Renata de Alcântara e Silva Terra Instituto Damásio, São Paulo
  • Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira Estácio de Sá




Brazilian Federation of Banks, Central Bank of Brazil, Law No. 14.181/2021, Compliance programmes, Banking System


Compliance programmes are present in the Banking System through standards such as the Guide to Good Compliance Practices of the Brazilian Federation of Banks and the Resolutions of the Central Bank of Brazil No. 2.554/1998, 4.595/2017 and 4.557/2017 that financial and equivalent institutions authorised to operate in the country must establish responsible credit policies. However, such measures are not effective due to the broad scenario of overindebtedness of individuals borrowing credit, which are now protected by Law No. 14.181/2021, whose principle is the protection of overindebted consumers by establishing sanctions for financial institutions that irresponsibly grant credit.


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Biografia do Autor

Renata de Alcântara e Silva Terra, Instituto Damásio, São Paulo

Specialist   in   Consumer   Law   and   Civil   and   Business   Law   from   Instituto   Damásio.      

Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, Estácio de Sá

Specialist in Business Law from the University Estácio de Sá.


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Como Citar

Alcântara e Silva Terra, R. de, & Ferreira, E. A. (2022). Overindebtedness and Responsible Credit: The Breach of Banking Compliance Duties and the Enactment of Law No. 14.181/2021. Revista De Direito E Análise Da Corrupção, 4(jcreview), e054. https://doi.org/10.37497/CorruptionReview.4.2022.54


