The Importance of Compliance as a Tool to Combat Cybercrime


  • Luís Augusto Antunes Rodrigues Universidade Católica Argentina (UCA), Buenos Aires



Compliance, Cybercrime, Law 13.709/2018 - General Data Protection Law, Technology


Law 13.709/2018 - General Data Protection Law - is in force in Brazil, aiming to protect fundamental rights of freedom and personality. In this view, this proposal is closely linked to the analysis of the implementation of compliance rules in the business technology sectors in order to avoid cybercrime, identifying in practice what must be done aiming to eliminate the leakage of clients' data. This article will inform about the importance of compliance in cybercrime, how companies should provide conditions so that criminals do not have access to customer data. Business owners need to keep their technological security level very high, including several precautions explained throughout this paper. Companies must help in the fight against cyberattacks aiming to comply with specific laws. The need for the creation of specific rules will be demonstrated, thus avoiding Internet hacking. One cannot deny the advance of technology, but one must be aware that today we depend on it and that illegal acts will increasingly become a reality. What is sought is to identify specific means of combating cybercrime through the correct use of compliance in the technology sector of companies.


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Author Biography

Luís Augusto Antunes Rodrigues, Universidade Católica Argentina (UCA), Buenos Aires

Administrador de Empresas graduado em 1997 pela Unisinos - RS com a monografia: A Importância do Transporte Aéreo no Cenário Mundial. Atuou de forma incisiva na administração de escritórios de advocacia. Consultor Tributário desde 1990, tendo exercido suas atividades sempre para escritórios de advocacia visando a recuperação e o aproveitamento de créditos fiscais para as empresas em geral. Estudo de jurisprudências para a elaboração de teses tributárias. Graduado em Direito em Setembro/2014 com a monografia: Críticas ao Sistema Tributário Nacional e à Reforma Tributária proposta pela Emenda Constitucional nº 233/2008. Pós-graduando no MBA em Direito da Empresa com Ênfase em Direito Tributário na faculdade IDC em Porto Alegre-RS com término previsto para junho/2015. Profundo conhecedor do direito do consumidor tendo trabalhado na Coordenação Jurídica do Procon Municipal de Porto Alegre no período de 2012 á 2014.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. A. A. (2023). The Importance of Compliance as a Tool to Combat Cybercrime. Journal of Law and Corruption Review, 5(00), e048.


