Promoting Accessibility and Inclusion: Analyzing Good Practices in Accessible Tourism in the Autonomous Region of Madeira




Accessible Tourism, Good Practices, Compliance


The concept of Accessible Tourism recognises that tourism is for everyone and, therefore, everyone should be able to enjoy tourism products and services. This concept not only translates into benefits for tourists, as it provides an improvement in the quality of life of the local population, who benefits from the creation of improved accessibility conditions. Promoting accessibility is a fundamental condition for the full exercise of citizenship rights enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution. Although there is growing awareness of the need to make spaces more accessible, translated into compliance with European guidelines and legal standards, there are still numerous gaps and examples of exclusion. The measures which are necessary to guarantee the enforcement of rights can be operationalised based on examples of good practices. In this sense, this paper analyses good practices of inclusion implemented in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Even though these measures promote inclusion, it is still verified that they are insufficient to respond to the needs of citizens with disabilities, limitations or incapacity. Even so, it should be noted that Madeira has been increasingly strengthening its offer as an accessible


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Author Biographies

Leonilde Rodrigues Dias Olim, Investigação do Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas - ISAL, Lisboa

Graduate in Modern Languages and Literatures, English/German, University of Lisbon. Centro de Investigação do Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas.

Andreia Nicole Pereira Carvalho, Centro de Investigação do Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas - ISAL, Lisboa

PhD Candidate in Tourism, University of Aveiro. Centro de Investigação do Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas.


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How to Cite

Olim, L. R. D., & Carvalho, A. N. P. (2023). Promoting Accessibility and Inclusion: Analyzing Good Practices in Accessible Tourism in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Journal of Law and Corruption Review, 4(jcreview), e061.


