Whistleblowing Channels and Internal Investigations in Electoral and Partisan Contexts: Parameters and Guidelines for Ensuring Integrity and Compliance


  • Brenda de Quadros Pereira Comissão Nacional de Compliance da Associação Brasileira de Advogados (ABA) https://orcid.org/0009-0008-3590-8920
  • Luiz Filipe de Andrade Neves Braghirolli Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Rio Grande do Sul




Whistleblowing channels, Internal investigations, Electoral campaigns, Integrity programs, Compliance in politics


How to structure an effective whistleblowing channel within an electoral and partisan context? How to proceed with internal investigations to verify the reported allegations? The objectives of this study are twofold: firstly, to establish reliable parameters for the structuring of a whistleblowing channel, and secondly, to develop procedures for internal investigations within political parties and electoral campaigns. The research techniques employed will involve consulting doctrinal sources of national and international relevance, as well as analyzing the Bill no. 429 of 2017. The research method to be used will be hypothetical-deductive, as it will address dogmatic concepts and guidelines established by the Bill. In light of numerous corruption and money laundering scandals, there is an increased social demand for clean and transparent electoral campaigns and better-prepared and structured political parties to address the risks of irregularities within the party and electoral context. With the Bill no. 429/2017 under consideration, the need for integrity programs in these areas will become mandatory. In order for such changes to be effective, it is essential to establish secure parameters and guidelines for whistleblowing channels and internal investigations, as these are the pillars that best facilitate the identification of integrity issues and legal and political malfeasance. Whistleblowing channels are characterized as both internal and external means of communication that aim to establish an anonymous and secure environment for reporting potential violations of the integrity program. Internal investigations, on the other hand, are procedures that aim to prevent and detect inappropriate conduct within the program, with the goal of immediate purging within the organization. Thus, we can conclude that whistleblowing channels primarily emphasize the elements of whistleblower anonymity and information confidentiality, serving as an effective means to report legal and statutory infractions and maintain order and integrity within the party structure and campaign organization. Internal investigations, in turn, serve as tools to verify the veracity of allegations and apply appropriate sanctions to ensure compliance with the integrity program within the party and electoral process. In this context, it is necessary to analyze how these pillars will be applied in the electoral routine and party structure, considering the different proportions and impacts of Brazilian politics.


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Biografia do Autor

Brenda de Quadros Pereira, Comissão Nacional de Compliance da Associação Brasileira de Advogados (ABA)

Advogada e Analista de Compliance. Pós-graduada em Direito Civil e Processual Civil pela Uniritter, pós-graduanda em Direito Eleitoral pela FMP e pós-graduanda em Direito Administrativo e Licitações pela Universidade Cândido Mendes. Cursa MBA em Compliance e Relações Governamentais pela Uninter e bacharelado em Tecnologia e Gestão Pública pela UniABA. Secretária-geral Adjunta da Comissão Nacional de Compliance da Associação Brasileira de Advogados (ABA) e membra da Comissão Nacional de Direito Eleitoral da Associação Brasileira de Advogados (ABA). Professora pelo Instituto Ibero-americano de Compliance.

Luiz Filipe de Andrade Neves Braghirolli, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Rio Grande do Sul

Advogado. Pós-graduado em Ciências Penais pela PUCRS, pós-graduado em Compliance pela PUCRS, curso de extensão em Gestão, Política e Estratégia pela ADESGRS. Mestrando em Ciências Criminais pela PUCRS e bacharelando em Administração pela UFRGS. Professor no Instituto Ibero-americano de Compliance e professor convidado do Curso de extensão em Compliance promovido pela Comissão Na- cional de Compliance da ABA em parceria com o Instituto Metodista IPA. Vice-presidente da Comissão Nacional de Compliance da ABA.


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Como Citar

Pereira, B. de Q., & Braghirolli, L. F. de A. N. (2020). Whistleblowing Channels and Internal Investigations in Electoral and Partisan Contexts: Parameters and Guidelines for Ensuring Integrity and Compliance. Revista De Direito E Análise Da Corrupção, 2(ssue), e067. https://doi.org/10.37497/CorruptionReview.2.2020.67